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The most enjoyable way to lose weight… Chew and savor your food.

Kelly O'Donnell

Why Chewing is So Important One of the most useful things I have learned about nutrition is that it’s not just what we eat but how we eat. Digestion actually begins in the mouth, where our teeth and digestive enzymes in our saliva break down food. But these days most of us rush through the whole eating experience, barely acknowledging what we’re putting in our mouths. We eat while distracted—working, reading, talking and watching television—and swallow our food practically whole. On average we chew each bite only eight times. It’s no wonder that many people have digestive problems. By chewing more, we eat more slowly which allows our brains to catch up with our stomachs. Our brain receives signals from our digestive system to tell us we are getting full, but most of us eat so fast that by the time our brains receive the signal we have already overeaten. (Especially if something tastes good.) So slow down, chew, and enjoy your food. I’ll bet you start eating less!

There are many great reasons to slow down and chew your food.

  • Saliva breaks down food into simple sugars, creating a sweet taste. The more we chew, the sweeter our food becomes, so we don’t crave those after-meal sweets.

  • Chewing reduces digestive distress and improves assimilation, allowing our bodies to absorb maximum nutrition from each bite of food.

  • More chewing produces more endorphins, the brain chemicals responsible for creating good feelings.

  • It’s also helpful for weight loss, because when we are chewing well, we are more apt to notice when we are full.

  • In fact, chewing can promote increased circulation, enhanced immunity, increased energy and endurance, as well as improve skin health and stabilize weight.

  • Taking time with a meal, beginning with chewing, allows for enjoyment of the whole experience of eating: the smells, flavors and textures. It helps us to give thanks, to show appreciation for the abundance in our lives and to develop patience and self-control.

Removing Distractions

Try eating without the TV, computer, iphone, or noise. Instead just pay attention to the food and to how you are breathing and chewing.

This kind of quiet can be uncomfortable at first, since we are used to a steady stream of advertising, news, email and demands from others. But as you create a new habit, you will begin to appreciate eating without rushing. You have to eat every day—why not learn to savor it?


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